Our Voices
MnEEP statement on the final verdict in the Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd
April 22, 2021
On April 20, 2021, a Minnesota jury found the former Minneapolis Police Department officer, Derek…
Words matter: Transforming systems and public narratives
March 16, 2021
Words, and our understanding of them, have power. They have power to shift mindsets and inspire action. And they have the power to transform systems and drive meaningful change for racial justice.
Racing to justice: What MnEEP is doing now
February 11, 2021
Over the last year, the MnEEP staff and Board reflected on our work and set clear goals and intentions for our new 2021 – 2025 strategic plan for bolstering a Minnesota multi-racial movement for racial equity in education.
An urgent call to lawmakers to support a higher-ed race equity policy agenda now
January 14, 2021
Now is the time for the state to create and implement a new, racially equitable higher-education model that reinvests financial resources in POCI students and addresses their unique needs for support.
ACCESS testing should be postponed or waived for the 2020-21 school year
January 13, 2021
MnEEP acknowledges that MDE has extended the ACCESS testing window, beginning January 21st through April 16th, but we maintain that ACCESS testing should be postponed or waived at the federal and state levels if we are to uphold standards of safety and race equity.
Video: Racing to Justice
December 11, 2020
Thanks to all who joined our annual event today to honor education’s racial equity leaders…
How cross-cultural collaborations can advance race equity in higher ed
October 11, 2020
At MnEEP, one of our core values is that Relationships Matter. This means that central…
Best practices for communicating with Emerging Multilingual Learner (EML) families during the 2020-21 school year
September 4, 2020
To ensure EML families have the information they need to make well-informed decisions about their child or children’s learning during the school year, the MnEEP EML Network has outlined steps to improve school-based and district-level communications with EML families.
How do higher education funding models impact access and attainability for POCI students?
May 19, 2019
At MnEEP, our Big Bold Goal 5 is centered on improving access and equity in higher education…