Our Policy & Legislative Priorities
Minnesota has an opportunity to build racially equitable schools for our students
To build a strong economy and workforce and the “best state in the country for kids,” Minnesota must make critical investments in public education this legislative session.
We call on Minnesota lawmakers to center racial equity in advancing new and transformative educational practices and policies to better serve POCI students in three crucial ways:

1. Remove barriers to higher-ed access & completion for POCI students
The Minnesota Legislature has a target goal for 2025 that 70 percent of Minnesota adults ages 25 to 44 will have a postsecondary certificate or degree.
To get there, we need to take bold action now to undo systemic inequities in Minnesota’s higher ed systems and design models to increase college access and completion for Minnesota’s growing number of POCI students.

2. Invest in EML students & educators.
Supporting bi- and multilingualism is critical for the success of Minnesota’s Black, Latino/a, Asian, Indigenous, and growing immigrant communities—and it’s critical for the success of Minnesota.
At MnEEP, we know educators are crucial to the success of students. This is why Minnesota must provide the capacity and resources they need to support EL students and honor the assets and multilingualism they bring to the classroom.

3. Support advanced and accelerated learning for POCI students.
Playing “catch up” to reduce the deep racial disparities in Minnesota isn’t enough. We must build a system that truly supports racially equitable educational opportunities—including opportunities for all students to excel through academic excellence and social and emotional, relational, and mental well-being.
Race Equity for Accelerated Learning (REAL) is a crucial plan for removing barriers to academic excellence for Minnesota’s POCI students.