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Minnesota Department of Education seeking English Learner Task Force members

The Minnesota Department of Education, in collaboration with PELSB, is seeking Task Force members for the English Learner (EL) Task Force. 

The EL Task Force was established by the legislature during the 2024 legislative session. The purpose of the EL Task Force is to analyze how public schools use EL revenue at the site level and administrative level, consider how micro-credentials or other certifications may be used to improve collaboration between teachers working with ELs, and make recommendations on how EL revenue can be used more effectively to help students become proficient in English and participate meaningfully and equally in education programs.

Applications must be received by July 12, 2024.

MDE is seeking applicants for this new task force in each of the following categories:

  • one member who represents school boards;
  • one member who represents the superintendents;
  • one member who is a teacher of English learners;
  • one member who is a teacher in a state-approved alternative program;
  • one member who is a director of an English learner program in a school district;
  • one member who is a director of a state-approved alternative program;
  • one member who is a parent of a student identified as an English learner;
  • one member who is a parent liaison to families of English learners in a school district;
  • one member who is a parent of a student enrolled in a state-approved alternative program;
  • one member from a community organization that works with families of English learners.

Commitment: Participate in all EL Task Force meetings and subcommittee work either in person or virtually. The first EL Task Force meeting will take place on August 13, 2024 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at MDE and monthly thereafter.  In addition, each appointee will participate in at least one subcommittee. The work group will conclude its duties and expire by February 14, 2025.

Compensation: Members of the EL Task Force are eligible for per diem compensation ($55/day) as provided under Minnesota Statutes 2023, section 15.059, subdivision 3 as well as applicable expenses such as reimbursement of mileage, child-care, and substitute teacher pay.

Applications will be accepted until July 12, 2024.  Appointed members will be notified by August 1, 2024.  

Visit the MDE EL Task Force web page for further details regarding this opportunity and for the link to the application.

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