A request from Carlos Mariani Rosa
Dear Friends of MnEEP:
I am reaching out to you today because I would like you to become a member of Minnesota Education Equity Partnership (MnEEP).
As a membership organization, we rely on the voices, presence, and financial contributions of our members—they are essential for building a multi-racial movement to advance racial equity in education in Minnesota.
We hope you will help us kickoff our summer membership drive by becoming a MnEEP member at the Race Equity Advocate Level today!
MnEEp’s success is driven by members like you
It has been a privilege to be the Executive Director of MnEEP, the longest-serving Minnesota nonprofit, to collectively advocate for and shape an education system that honors Minnesota’s students of color and American Indian students.
MnEEP was founded more than 30 years ago by Ron McKinley, a powerful American Indian brother who was a dear soul to me and who envisioned a place where all people of color/Indigenous people can work together to transform education systems to be equity-centered and racially just.
He believed that current schools and colleges could—even wanted to—be equitably effective, and that a tool was just needed to push and to show the way. MnEEP was born from believing such a transforming instrument could be built.
And so for three decades, MnEEP has both led and walked with communities and educational institutions to build race equity for Minnesota’s students of color and Indigenous students. A visit to our website can unveil a rich sharing of how we’ve done that with research, policy briefs, advocacy networks, training, and leadership development.
We’ve shifted the behavior of systems such as:
- ending school discipline policies that had expelled young children from schools;
- establishing state wide post-secondary achievement goals disaggregated by race;
- guiding whole school districts to develop their own racial equity plans
We’ve trained teachers for meeting state cultural competency requirements and we’ve created a leadership network for school superintendents to deepen both their will and skill for racial equity.
Will you join us today?
We seek to constantly build up the capacity of those admirably striving for learning and achievement that empowers students and their communities. What has made that possible is people like you. MnEEP members who believe in racial justice and in the wonderful power each student can bring to our world, given equitable opportunities. MnEEP derives its strength from the passion and intelligence of its Members. They donate financially and contribute ideas and volunteer time. They validate our work as a broad collective effort of educational excellence.
I ask that you consider joining us today and help to nurture a vital movement for racial equity.
In gratitude,
Carlos Mariani Rosa
MnEEP Executive Director