MnEEP welcomes Dr. Rev Hillstrom to the team
MnEEP is proud to announce Dr. Rev Hillstrom will join our dedicated team of race equity leaders as the Director of Research.
Dr. Rev Hillstrom is one of this country’s foremost Indigenous scholars leading systemic change for educational excellence and equity. Through the pillars of the CLEAR model (Culture, Learning, Equitable, Achievement and Responsive) he guides systems in generating the equity consciousness needed for conceptual, behavioral and structural transformation.
Dr. Rev Hillstrom’s undergraduate studies in Music and American Indian Studies at Augsburg University gave rise to his Masters’ studies at Bethel University in Ethnomusicology and eventually lead to a Doctorate in Teaching and Learning from the University of Minnesota.
As a pedagogical innovator, Hillstrom’s approach to education connects his own indigenous worldview, artistic talents and intuitive insight with the intrinsic values of participants to create rich, professional learning experiences in culturally validating and responsive pedagogy and leadership, addressing the varied learning styles, perspectives and assets of students of all races, ethnicities, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds so they are cultivated to be lifelong learners and leaders.
From elementary to graduate school, Rev has shared his gifts, challenging students, teachers, and administrators to grow in their understanding of who they are and what their relationship is with the world around them.
Dr. Hillstrom is the founder of Intercultural Innovations Inc. (I3), home of the CLEAR Model and the CLEAR Solutions Framework, and serves Minnesota Education Equity Partnership (MnEEP) as the Director of Research. He also promotes educational excellence and equity by serving with regional and national organizations including the National Urban Alliance (NUA). Dr. Hillstrom’s work includes nationally published articles, presentations at several national conferences, multiple copywritten systems tools and the publication of his book Educational Settings Impact on Minnesota American Indian Academic Proficiency.